Monday, June 22, 2015

Reflective Post

I have yet to introduce myself to my blog. My name is Janet Brooks and I am in my final classes of achieving my Associates Degree. This semester I had the pleasure of taking a class called, "Introduction to Technology for Educators." This blog was made specifically for this class to post things I have learned throughout the semester. It has been a stressful time because I am taking so many classes, but I am in the final stretch for two out of my five classes this semester. I have really enjoyed taking this class with my professor Mrs. Coleman. The modules were a little confusing, but manageable. If I could change anything about the course, it would be the modules because I like everything to be in one tab. When I am working on an assignment I have four tabs open, because one assignment requires you to follow each tab in the module. I just wish it would have all been in one place. I understand that some people like it separated better, but that is just my opinion. Although, I got the hang of it by the end of the course. The group projects were nice too, but I would much rather do group projects in person rather than online because everyone does have such hectic schedules. Other than that the course has been great and I most certainly have learned a lot throughout this class. My favorite part about this course would most definitely be the blog posts. It gave me a chance to show off my creativity, while also accomplishing the assignment.

1. Communication (COM)
2. Critical Thinking (CT)
3. Technology/Information Management (TIM)
4. Global Socio-cultural Responsibility (GSR)
5. Scientific and Quantitative Reasoning (QR)

This lesson plan included the following learning outcomes: TIM, CT
This assignment consisted of my team members and I to create a lesson plan together which was interesting, in a good way. We got to bounce ideas off of each other to see what would fit best with our lesson plan that had incorporated measuring objects around the room. I enjoyed working with all of my team members because they were all so insightful and easy to talk to about the assignment.

The web-quest included the following learning outcomes: TIM, COM, CT, COM
I loved the webquest! With this webquest assignment I got to be creative and create my own little quest for my students, while they get to learn! It would not only be fun for my students, but it would be fun for me to see what they would come up with.

The teacher webpage included the following learning outcomes: TIM, COM, CT
The teacher webpage I found very interesting. I liked the weebly website that I used because it was easier than the wiki page that I had used previous to this assignment. Being able to manage around the webpage easily, made it more enjoyable to work on this assignment.

The instructional wiki page included the following learning outcomes: TIM, CT
For my instructional Wiki page I was given the topic Setting Objectives and Providing Feedback. Here is one of the videos I had posted for this assignment.

The website review included the following learning outcomes: TIM, CT, COM
The website review was fun for me because this time, it was my turn. I actually got to create my own rubric and critique something. I liked having the tables turned to where I get to practice creating my own rubrics because that is something that I will eventually have to do. I really liked the practice.

The discussion boards included the following learning outcomes: TIM, CT, COM, GSR
Discussion boards I always love doing. I get to interact with all of my classmates and see what everyone has to say about the topic we are discussing. While things stay clean and nice, you can still see other people and what their opinions are and I always find that interesting.

These are some websites that I put in my previous projects and I love them so much and find the so beneficial, I thought I would share them with all of you.

Explore PBS. (n.d.). Retrieved June 22, 2015, from
Genius, C. (n.d.). One-step-at-a-time - goal achieving cartoon doodle video. Retrieved June 22, 2015, from
Join and enjoy MORE Starfall! (n.d.). Retrieved June 22, 2015, from
Khan, S. (n.d.). Khan Academy. Retrieved June 22, 2015, from
Weebly is the easiest way to create a website, store or blog. (n.d.). Retrieved June 22, 2015, from

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